Friday, October 4, 2013

Organic Farming & The Subject Of Milk

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By Rob Sutter

Organic farming seems to breed a number of images that can come to mind. You may think of open fields or various greens, which are fair enough considering just what this line of work entails. However, farming can also include animals which are raised and are given only the most natural feeds in order to sustain them. I'm not sure how many people thought about the possibility of organic milk but it seems like the news may potentially impact a number of other groups, younger ones in particular.

Horizon Organic, which is a leader in organic dairy, made news by announcing its 32 mg DHA Omega-3 Single Serve Milk Boxes, which are to be brought to stores all over. I think that people should have a general idea of how they look if they remember the slightest about lunch at school. Thanks to these, people will be given the necessary nutrition by milk without providing too much to a fault. Due to their shelf-stable properties, refrigeration is not necessary, which is another positive to add.

I don't think that anyone can dispute the fact that there are organic requirements to adhere to as well. For example, the animals have to be given only natural feed when caring for them. This goes even deeper, though, as typical growth hormones cannot be utilized since those are considered synthetic. While there may be more work done, I don't think that anyone can argue that the products which are found at the end are worth every bit of effort that is done in the way of farming.

I believe that these rules can be connected to other products, more specifically those marketed by networks the likes of Colle Farmers Market. I believe that organic farming is an excellent path to take and I feel like the results of such great levels of work will be worth it in the long run. Items which are grown or otherwise brought to fruition are substantial, provided that only natural means are seen. Anything else would be something of an insult to those who invest so much in farming.

This milk can help just about anyone, whether it's in nutrition in general or growth for younger people. They will also learn about organic properties much earlier, meaning that the information is going to stay with them for a longer period of time. Doesn't it sound like a good idea to teach them early on so that, in time, they can invest in such products more often? They know what eating healthy entails, in this regard, and few groups are going to benefit from it to such a degree.

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